And so it is that time of year again.
Happy holidays!
Merry xmas!
This is really irritating. I want to buy Christmas presents, but no-one seems to sell them anymore.
Holiday presents? Whatever, dude. Who gives gifts to people because they’re going on holidays? I don’t. In fact, I go on holidays to get away from people. It's very likely that people consider that a holiday gift enough from me as well.
And so it is. I wander up and down the crowded malls, watching all kinds of people buying “holiday presents.”
Look at that man over there, walking out of Wal-Mart with that new iron for his wife. How thoughtful, this holiday present. Yet, I wonder what kind of holiday he’s going on where an iron could possibly be a required item. Pretty kinky, me thinks.
The other day I was doing some research on the history of the small town where I was born, thinking that I might try to write some fictional short stories about the pioneer life back in the early 20th Century, when I came across a positively charming story written by a man recalling the days of his youth and his family’s arrival in the then small village. The timeframe was 1920, when he was 13 years old. In particular, he shared memories of his first Xmas, and amidst his retelling of the places they went, the frozen lakes upon which they skated, the hot rocks under the blankets for the sleigh ride home, all making me nostalgic about my own youth in the very same places some 60 years later, I couldn’t help but notice how positively literate this man was, despite his never having had a university education. There was only one word that spoiled this writer’s magnificent prose; it was so out of place… it was the word Xmas. I didn’t know they used that word back then. Then it dawned on me, of course, that he didn’t type it into the computer. He penned his tales on paper, and the mook who submitted it to cyberspace put in the offensive word that was as foreign to Western Canadians in the 1920’s as, well, French words.
I felt a sense of outrage on behalf of the original author. It was much the same feeling as I used to get when my highschool English teacher would make us exchange essays and stories with other students for proof reading, and mine would return with some solid D student’s red ink scratchings on every other line, along with her stellar suggestions on how I could change the entire content and thus become a great achiever like her.
This disease in our society is really driving me mad.
In regard to my research on the pioneer days of my hometown, I also perused many of the local museum’s websites for information to create an accurate timeline, and I was continually subjected to literary assaults from words and phrases such as “when the non-native people came to the valley…” or “many of the non-traditional names for the mountains…”
My God! My tax dollars actually support the people who write this filth? This is history? And they are trying to relate to the modern person how things were back then? One wonders if they knew that the non-native, non-traditional people who settled in the valley which Indian people merely migrated through every few years, were actually Europeans. Not only were they Europeans, but they were pasty white ones at that! It couldn’t have been that hard to look up.
This is a subtle assault on every man’s intellect… and heritage – by yet another person who probably holds a B.A. in Idiot.
But, let’s get back to the words xmas and holidays.
When are people going to stick up for their culture?
When are people going to stick up for civilization?
When will stores start selling Christmas presents again? Do I really have to buy a band-saw and start making my own? Like I said, I don’t buy xmas presents, and I certainly don’t buy holiday presents.
Do you think they aren’t related, this assault on Christianity and the assault on our civilization?
Yes, I know the tales. The thousands of people burned at the stake by those awful church-going people. Wow! The problem is, if you would do the math (do they even teach math anymore?), and took the amount of people who died during the famed Inquisition, and looked at it in relation to the population over which it ruled, over the time frame during which it ruled, you would find that the threat of being burned at the stake by the church was akin to the danger that Westerners face in “death by bicycle riding.” Not only that, but what makes you think the problem was neccessarily "the church," when it is obvious that they were acting not only as "the church," but also as "the government." And I'll bet you a soon inflated US dollar that I can find you far more instances of innocents being murdered at the hands of governments.
Just saying...
Seriously now. Nietzsche preached that “God is dead” and Marx stated that his purpose in life was to “dethrone God.” Neither of them even suffered a hot-foot, despite living in the most Christian part of the world, at a time when Christianity was at an all time powerful peak.
And yet, this awful Christianity gave us the Magna Carta. It also gave us our legal system, as well as the constitutions which protect us and form the very foundations of our Western nations. Kill the Bible and Christianity and those things very likely will soon die also, just like your body would soon die after your heart was stopped. The reason our rights are supposed to be unalienable is because they are granted to us by God - as is specifically outlined in every free country's constitution, including ours. What God gives, only God can take away. Man has no authority to interfere, as he oft tends to do. The way to spot a totalitarian constitution is to notice that rights are granted by the state, and God is absent from the scene - you can notice this in the old constitution of the USSR... or the UN's Covenant on Economic, Social and Human Rights. In those constitutions, it is said that the state grants you your rights. If they have the power to do that, they also have the power to take those rights away, don't they?
And no, I’m not particularly a “Christian” myself. The church certainly doesn’t view me as one. Church is all weddings and funerals for me. But, I would much prefer to live in a society based on a religion like Christianity, which is based in absolutes, than a religion like Humanism, with all its socialist trappings… and suffer the fate of the over 100 million people who have been murdered by Socialist governments adhering to the Humanist religion in the past 90 years. Yes, Humanism is where we are heading, with its moral relativism dictated to us by the new priests with their degrees in psychology and sociology.
After all, if it was so easy for humans to twist something around that was based in absolutes, like the Bible, and use it for evil purposes, then one must wonder how easy it is to twist something around that is based in moral relativity to begin with, like Humanism.
Of course, it could never happen to us non-traditional, non-native people who live in this great land – we have laws, you know, to prevent that from happening. And they are solid because they are based in the Bible… oops, how does that work again without the Bible?
So, I am not going to buy presents this Christmas season, because they don’t sell them anymore. They only sell holiday presents.
And the next time someone wishes me a “merry xmas,” I might just clench up my pasty white fist and punch him in the nose.
Bah, humbug.